Frequently Asked Questions

Every day the usage of storage gets logged. The day with the heighest amount of storage uses, gets invoiced and substracted from your balance.
Storage volumes go in Terabyes. So the usage of 0 to 1 TB costs € 27,50. 1 to 2 TB costs € 55,-. And so on.
The transcoding for the 350P preview video's and stills are free. The storage of the preview video's and stills just add up to your starage balance. If, for instance, you have 1 GB videofile and 0,01 GB preview file. Your total storage amount is 1,01 GB.
No, it not manatory to let generate previews or stills. The archive loses a lot of power when you don't use the preview option. So by default you get previews and stills.
On every request to the videostream, the webserver checks if the user is logged-in and has the right credentials. So sending the the stream-url to a person whithout the right credentials is pointless.
Sorry, is a business-to-busniness service. Due to tax legislation, we can't provide our service to individuals. Please send us an email if you don't have a VAT number and you want to try videarchive. If there is enough enterest, we could consider a service for individuals.
Primary, is designed for videofiles. But its not limited to that, so if you want to add some imagefiles, documents or videoprojectfiles (finalcut for instance) than thats no problem.

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